
Five Bernals and a boxer

We decided to let Tyler chew a piece of gum on the mutually agreed upon condition that he would not swallow it. We have tried this before and this time I documented the experience. I have identified four distinct phases of Tyler’s gum chewing.

Phase 1 – delighted surprise

Tyler reacts to the news that hes allowed to chew a piece of gum

Tyler reacts to the news that he's allowed to chew a piece of gum

Phase 2 – initial chomp

That first bite is always the toughest

Tyler works the jaw muscles. That first bite is always the toughest

Phase 3 – false confidence

Tyler tries to remember the thing that he wasnt supposed to do

Tyler tries to remember the thing that he wasn't supposed to do

Phase 4 – despair and melancholy

Tyler swallowed his gum and reacts to not being able to have another piece of gum

Tyler swallowed his gum and reacts to not being able to have another piece

Four phases without fail.


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