
Five Bernals and a boxer

The daycare that Tyler and Bella attend held their annual Halloween parade on Friday. The daycare corralled the parents in a roped-offed area and the kids were supposed to walk around what in effect was just a big circle. Bella, seeing that she could reach the desired end point by not going anywhere, dug her heels in and refused to budge. Miss Megan ended up carrying Bella over the parade route. Bella thought this was a good compromise. She didn’t have to waste the energy walking in a circle and had the added benefit that people stopped pulling on her arm. A win-win.

Bella admiring the view from her vantage point

Bella admiring the view from her vantage point

Tyler on the other hand knows a photo-op when he sees one and demonstrated the latest in minus-sized firefighting gear.

Tyler is on the lookout for the first sign of trouble

Tyler is on the lookout for the first sign of trouble

Tyler waves to the crowd

Tyler waves to the crowd

My award for best costume goes to this guy.

I dont know this guys name, but in my mind he will forever be known as Elvis

I don't know this guy's name, but in my mind he will forever be known as Elvis

I’ll end with a few bonus pictures.

Run, Elmo, run

Run, Elmo, run

Bella ponders the Celtic pagan origins of Halloween

Bella ponders the Celtic pagan origins of Halloween


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